翻譯社英文法律文書中"serve out"的用法和翻譯
6.2.3 A party may, at any time, remove and replace any Director appointed by it by prior notice to the other party and the CJV. If a seat on the Board is vacated by the retirement, removal, resignation, illness, disability or death of any Director, the original appointing party of such Director shall, within 30 days, appoint a successor to serve out the remaining term of the outgoing Director.
6.2.3 經事先通知另一方和「合作公司」,任何一方均可於任何時候撤換其委派的任何「董事」。如因任何一名「董事」退休、被撤換、辭職、患病、喪失行為能力或死亡而致使「董事會」席位出現空缺,翻譯社該名「董事」的原委派方應在其後30日內委派繼任人完成該名「董事」的剩餘任期。
英漢法律文書數據庫 法律翻譯
9.3.4 If a seat on the Board is vacated by the retirement, removal, resignation, illness, disability or death of any Director, the appointing Party shall, within 20 Business Days, appoint a successor to serve out the remaining term of the outgoing Director.
9.3.4 如因董事退休、撤換、辭職、患病、傷殘或死亡而致使董事會席位出現空缺,委派一方應在20個營業日內委派繼任人完成該董事的剩餘任期。
17 In the event of any vacancy of seat in the Board, the original appointing Party shall appoint a successor to serve the remaining tenure within 30 days. If a seat on the Board is vacated by the retirement, removal, resignation, illness, disability or death of a director, the Party that originally appointed such director shall within 30 days appoint a successor to serve out such director's term. The term of office of such new appointee shall be the balance of the term of office or his or her predecessor.
17 如董事會席位出現空缺,原委派方應在30日內委派一名繼任人完成剩餘任期。如因董事退休、撤換、辭職、患病、喪失行為能力或死亡而致使董事會席位出現空缺,該董事的原委派方應在30日內委派其繼任人完成該董事的任期。英文翻譯新委派的董事之任期為其前任之任期的剩餘時間。
9.3.4 If a seat on the Board is vacated by the retirement, removal, resignation, illness, disability or death of any Director, the appointing Party shall, within 20 Business Days, appoint a successor to serve out the remaining term of the outgoing Director.
9.3.4 如因董事退休、撤換、辭職、患病、傷殘或死亡而致使董事會席位出現空缺,委派一方應在20個營業日內委派繼任人完成該董事的剩餘任期。
(c) Each director shall be appointed for a term of three (3) years and may serve consecutive terms if re-appointed by the Investor. A director shall serve and may be removed at the discretion of the Investor. If a seat on the Board is vacated by the retirement, resignation, illness, disability or death of a director or by the removal of such director by the Investor, the Investor shall appoint a successor to serve out such director's term.
(c) 每名董事任期3年,經投資者再次任命可繼續留任。董事的留任與離任由投資者自行決定。如果一名董事因退休、辭職、生病、傷殘或死亡或是被投資者撤換,而使董事會董事人數空缺,則投資者應另行委派一名繼任者至任期屆滿。
15.3.4 If a seat on the Board is vacated by the retirement, removal, resignation, illness, disability or death of any Director, the original appointing Party shall within [20] Business Days appoint a successor to serve out the remaining term of the outgoing Director.
15.3.4 如因董事退休、撤換、辭職、患病、傷殘或死亡而致使董事會席位出現空缺,日文翻譯該董事的原委派方應在[20]個營業日內委派繼任人完成該董事的剩餘任期。
英漢法律文書數據庫 法律翻譯
[Party A and Party B shall appoint the Chairman from one of the Directors appointed by it by notice to the other Party by rotation, with each term of office lasting for [4] years. The appointing Party may remove the Chairman and appoint another Director as the Chairman in his place by notice to the other Party. The replacement shall serve out the remainder of the previous Chairman's term. Party [A] [B] shall appoint the Chairman for the first term, commencing on the Establishment Date.]
[甲方和乙方應輪流以向另一方發出通知的方式,從其委派的董事中委派一名董事擔任董事長,每屆任期[四]年。委派一方可經向另一方發出通知而撤換董事長並委派另一名董事擔任董事長。繼任董事長之任期為前任董事長之任期的剩餘時間。 [甲方][乙方]應委派首任董事長,任期從成立日起計。 ]
Upon the vacation of office as a result of the retirement, removal, resignation, illness, disability or death of any Senior Management Personnel, the original nominating Party shall be entitled to within [20] Business Days nominate a successor to serve out the remaining term of the outgoing Senior Management Personnel.
If a Party fails to serve a Bid Notice, it shall be deemed to have accepted the offer to buy all its Equity Interest set out in the other Party's [or (in the case of Party B) its nominee's] Bid Notice and shall, subject to obtaining all necessary approvals from the Approval Authorities, be bound to sell all its Equity Interest to the Purchaser who shall be bound to buy it.
(E) Any other Member shall be entitled within a period of [three] months after the Transfer Notice is given, or, if later, the provision to it of such further evidence, to serve a purchase notice (hereinafter called a “Purchase Notice ”) on the Transferor requiring it to sell [all (but not part only) of] the Relevant Shares to it at the same price and on the same terms as those offered by the Prospective Purchaser (as set out in the Transfer Notice).
(E) 任何其它成員在轉讓通知書發出後〔三〕個月內的時間內(或如較晚的話,則在向其出具上述進一步證明後),有權向轉讓人發出購買通知書(下稱“購買通知書”)要求轉讓人按准購買方所提出的同樣價格並按同樣條款(見轉讓通知書所述)出售〔所有(而非僅部分)〕的有關股份。
If a seat on the Board is vacated by the retirement, resignation, illness, disability or death of a director or by the removal of such director by the Party which originally appointed him, the Party which originally nominated such director shall nominate a successor to serve out such director's term and the Parties shall procure the Company to ensure that such successor is appointed as a director forthwith.
英漢法律文書數據庫 法律翻譯
10.3 Each director shall be appointed for a term of four (4) years, provided that the Party which has appointed a director may remove that director and appoint a replacement at any time. A director may serve consecutive terms if reappointed by the Party that originally appointed him. If a seat on the Board of Directors is vacated by the retirement, resignation, removal, disability or death of a director, the Party which originally appointed such director shall appoint a successor to serve out such director's term.
10.3 每名董事任期四(4)年,但委派董事的一方可隨時將其撤換。董事經原委派方再次委派可以連任。如董事會席位因董事退休、辭職、免職、無行為能力或死亡而出現空缺,則原委派該董事的一方應委派一名繼任人,任滿該董事的任期。
6.2.3 A party may, at any time, remove and replace any Director appointed by it by prior notice to the other party and the CJV. If a seat on the Board is vacated by the retirement, removal, resignation, illness, disability or death of any Director, the original appointing party of such Director shall, within 30 days, appoint a successor to serve out the remaining term of the outgoing Director.
6.2.3 經事先通知另一方和「合作公司」,任何一方均可於任何時候撤換其委派的任何「董事」。如因任何一名「董事」退休、被撤換、辭職、患病、喪失行為能力或死亡而致使「董事會」席位出現空缺,該名「董事」的原委派方應在其後30日內委派繼任人完成該名「董事」的剩餘任期。
9.3.4 If a seat on the Board is vacated by the retirement, removal, resignation, illness, disability or death of any Director, the appointing Party shall, within 20 Business Days, appoint a successor to serve out the remaining term of the outgoing Director.
9.3.4 如因董事退休、撤換、辭職、患病、傷殘或死亡而致使董事會席位出現空缺,委派一方應在20個營業日內委派繼任人完成該董事的剩餘任期。
17 In the event of any vacancy of seat in the Board, the original appointing Party shall appoint a successor to serve the remaining tenure within 30 days. If a seat on the Board is vacated by the retirement, removal, resignation, illness, disability or death of a director, the Party that originally appointed such director shall within 30 days appoint a successor to serve out such director's term. The term of office of such new appointee shall be the balance of the term of office or his or her predecessor.
17 如董事會席位出現空缺,原委派方應在30日內委派一名繼任人完成剩餘任期。如因董事退休、撤換、辭職、患病、喪失行為能力或死亡而致使董事會席位出現空缺,該董事的原委派方應在30日內委派其繼任人完成該董事的任期。新委派的董事之任期為其前任之任期的剩餘時間。
9.3.4 If a seat on the Board is vacated by the retirement, removal, resignation, illness, disability or death of any Director, the appointing Party shall, within 20 Business Days, appoint a successor to serve out the remaining term of the outgoing Director.
9.3.4 如因董事退休、撤換、辭職、患病、傷殘或死亡而致使董事會席位出現空缺,委派一方應在20個營業日內委派繼任人完成該董事的剩餘任期。
(c) Each director shall be appointed for a term of three (3) years and may serve consecutive terms if re-appointed by the Investor. A director shall serve and may be removed at the discretion of the Investor. If a seat on the Board is vacated by the retirement, resignation, illness, disability or death of a director or by the removal of such director by the Investor, the Investor shall appoint a successor to serve out such director's term.
(c) 每名董事任期3年,經投資者再次任命可繼續留任。董事的留任與離任由投資者自行決定。如果一名董事因退休、辭職、生病、傷殘或死亡或是被投資者撤換,而使董事會董事人數空缺,則投資者應另行委派一名繼任者至任期屆滿。
15.3.4 If a seat on the Board is vacated by the retirement, removal, resignation, illness, disability or death of any Director, the original appointing Party shall within [20] Business Days appoint a successor to serve out the remaining term of the outgoing Director.
15.3.4 如因董事退休、撤換、辭職、患病、傷殘或死亡而致使董事會席位出現空缺,該董事的原委派方應在[20]個營業日內委派繼任人完成該董事的剩餘任期。
[Party A and Party B shall appoint the Chairman from one of the Directors appointed by it by notice to the other Party by rotation, with each term of office lasting for [4] years. The appointing Party may remove the Chairman and appoint another Director as the Chairman in his place by notice to the other Party. The replacement shall serve out the remainder of the previous Chairman's term. Party [A] [B] shall appoint the Chairman for the first term, commencing on the Establishment Date.]
[甲方和乙方應輪流以向另一方發出通知的方式,從其委派的董事中委派一名董事擔任董事長,每屆任期[四]年。委派一方可經向另一方發出通知而撤換董事長並委派另一名董事擔任董事長。繼任董事長之任期為前任董事長之任期的剩餘時間。 [甲方][乙方]應委派首任董事長,任期從成立日起計。 ]
英漢法律文書數據庫 法律翻譯
Upon the vacation of office as a result of the retirement, removal, resignation, illness, disability or death of any Senior Management Personnel, the original nominating Party shall be entitled to within [20] Business Days nominate a successor to serve out the remaining term of the outgoing Senior Management Personnel.
If a Party fails to serve a Bid Notice, it shall be deemed to have accepted the offer to buy all its Equity Interest set out in the other Party's [or (in the case of Party B) its nominee's] Bid Notice and shall, subject to obtaining all necessary approvals from the Approval Authorities, be bound to sell all its Equity Interest to the Purchaser who shall be bound to buy it.
(E) Any other Member shall be entitled within a period of [three] months after the Transfer Notice is given, or, if later, the provision to it of such further evidence, to serve a purchase notice (hereinafter called a “Purchase Notice ”) on the Transferor requiring it to sell [all (but not part only) of] the Relevant Shares to it at the same price and on the same terms as those offered by the Prospective Purchaser (as set out in the Transfer Notice).
(E) 任何其它成員在轉讓通知書發出後〔三〕個月內的時間內(或如較晚的話,則在向其出具上述進一步證明後),有權向轉讓人發出購買通知書(下稱“購買通知書”)要求轉讓人按准購買方所提出的同樣價格並按同樣條款(見轉讓通知書所述)出售〔所有(而非僅部分)〕的有關股份。
If a seat on the Board is vacated by the retirement, resignation, illness, disability or death of a director or by the removal of such director by the Party which originally appointed him, the Party which originally nominated such director shall nominate a successor to serve out such director's term and the Parties shall procure the Company to ensure that such successor is appointed as a director forthwith.
10.3 Each director shall be appointed for a term of four (4) years, provided that the Party which has appointed a director may remove that director and appoint a replacement at any time. A director may serve consecutive terms if reappointed by the Party that originally appointed him. If a seat on the Board of Directors is vacated by the retirement, resignation, removal, disability or death of a director, the Party which originally appointed such director shall appoint a successor to serve out such director's term.
10.3 每名董事任期四(4)年,但委派董事的一方可隨時將其撤換。董事經原委派方再次委派可以連任。如董事會席位因董事退休、辭職、免職、無行為能力或死亡而出現空缺,則原委派該董事的一方應委派一名繼任人,任滿該董事的任期。